Minutes of the ultimate Meeting held at the Bridgwater Pantomime Society Hall
On Tuesday 6th February 2018
President John Willis being stricken with the seasonal ‘flu it fell to Vice President John Edney to open the meeting promptly at 10 a.m. His first duty was to welcome the 24 members, 15 ladies and 4 visitors (from East Quantocks Probus Club) to the last meeting of the Bridgwater Blake Probus Club. He then allowed Lionel Porter of the Pantomime Society to express his thanks to our club for the many years we have supported the Society. This was reciprocated with a hearty round of applause.
SPEAKER Our own member, Geoff Bryant entertained us for the next hour first with the background of his 18 month’s spell working in Nigeria followed by an excellent ciné presentation, thus trusting his luck to the idiosyncrasies of his rather ancient projector. Occasional sharp smacks to the top of the projector kept the machine going, much to the relief of all. Geoff went to Nigeria in the early sixties very much under the influence of James Bond, having read all the Ian Fleming novels. Armed with a firearm (to protect him from the wild animals) he set about trying to institute a water supply in extremely difficult conditions. Much of the hour showed much leisure but little work. As we have come to expect the visual presentation was made to the highest quality, the camera work, commentary and editing being to professional standards. VP John Edney, eloquent as usual, thanked the speaker and invited the audience to give a well-deserved appreciative applause.
MINUTES. The minutes of the penultimate meeting were read and accepted.
TREASURER Roy Deakin presented the balance sheet and highlighted several details, principally the loss on the Christmas Dinner and the increase in running expenses. As formerly agreed the balance of £1000 was presented to Barbara Taylor on behalf of the charity SURE. Barbara expressed her thanks and added that a further over £950 has been raised by our members in the collection of five pence pieces.
SOCIAL SECRETARY Charles Parkes gave a resumé of experience as Social secretary, stressing the persistent lack of support for organised trips, being one of the reasons leading to the closure of the Club. Derek Fothergill reiterated his invitation to join East Quantocks Probus Club.
MAGIC MOMENT David Daggar offered no less than two magic moments happening simultaneously; on the day of his graduation (itself magic) he literally bumped into a then world famous goalkeeper, Gordon Banks (much more magic).
MY LIFE. This being the very last MY LIFE secretary Geoff read a history of our club, beginning at the formation of Bridgwater Probus Club in 1975. A copy is attached.
CARE CO-ORDINATORS. Ron Allen brought good wishes from Denis Northam and Geoff P reported that Bill Lefort was too ill to attend but sent his thanks and best wishes to all.
ANY OTHER BUSINESS The monthly lunch would take place but a new venue would be announced in good time.
TRIVIA……. Consisted of the usual mix of the irrelevant, irritating and irrational rubbish but Happy Birthday was sung sweetly to birthday boy Colin Green.
MESSAGE The meeting was brought to a dignified close with a message from the reluctant absentee President, John Willis.
Secretary Geoff Parle